Wednesday 26 August 2015


Krisis Identiti.

Well to put it into words, I've been in contact with a few people just to see how things will work out in the end. Like who's gonna be with me or end up being my other half.

Susah bila takde benda yang pasti ni but surely sekarang tertarik sangat dengan Meggi ni. Even Bangla tu still contact aku ke apa. Mampos leee. Dia yang game aku, buat aku jadi rebound je ohh demm. Now, bukan nak jadi jahat tapi aku pun ada perasaan and all. Everytime tanya dia nak apa dgn hubungan "crush" kitorang ni, asyik tak pasti je jawapan dia. So, nak tunggu apa lagi. Move on laaa.

And than comes Meggi. Hahaha baik pula lahai dia ni. Pendiam je orangnya tapi dengan aku lantak la. Ketawa je la kuat2 ke apa. Sebab dia terima je aku apa adanya. Haha malam ni siap ajak ngeteh ewahhh. Semakin rancak. Hahahaha lol.

But, tak payah gigih la bercinta ke apa ni. Kawan la sesiapa yang kau rasa nak. Tak payah nak stick dengan sorang tu je yang belum confirm jadi suami kau pun. Please nak setia sangat pun buat apa. Tak yakin la boyfriend kau tu pun setia membabi buta dengan kau. Well, some would say lelaki je yang suka curang. Plot twist, perempuan pun boleh. Zaman sekarang macam2 boleh jadi lee.

So cerita dia, belajar dulu. Dapatkan Anugerah Dekan. Anugerah DiRaja time convo nanti. Haaaaaa bagi mak ayah bangga dulu baru gataiii nak bercinta.

Note to myself of course!!

Wednesday 5 August 2015


You know when people say love is all about what you give to the other person and makes the best out of it. Like when you give them all hopes and trusts. Because of what they said, what they do all the mixed signals are too good to be true.

You know exactly that you should've wait a bit longer before jumping into conclusion. You should wait long enough to know that they just ergh USING YOU.

But heyyy, how should I know when he was so convincing. He gave you presents on your birthday. Calling you baby, sweetheart and all. All you know you fell so hardly in love. Well in this case, me. I have never been into relationship since my last one. Two years ago and when someone that gentle come into my life how can I say NO?!

He helped me through my ups and downs. Calling me at 3AM just to know how was I during the day. Asking all about my interests, my likes and dislikes. I thought he was true. Like he mean it. 

little did I know he was still in contact with his EX! At first I was okay but then things got so complicated. Like I doesn't even care about me. My feelings and all.

When I said let's be like before. Be friends without all those lovey dovey feelings, he said no. Give him time. He needed to move on well hell yeah how to move on when you till favourite her tweets and all.

Hancur hati weyh when he did this to me. Atau aku yang bodoh sangat cepat sangat berharap. Ahhh bodoh.

Bila dah decide nak move on from our fling nahh he came back with all the good morning and goodnights whatsapp. what for?!!!

But being the foolish me, still aku melayan weyh I should have known it best than to stick around. 

Trouble follows me EVERYWHERE.

There's no happy ending in this story as I see it so let it be.
